Wednesday, February 19, 2014

We are still here!

I know it has been awhile, but things have gotten very busy and all of us have gotten very tired. This combination has left me little time to blog. Our typical day is beginning at the latest with getting out of bed by 9am and then ends with getting back to the hotel as late as midnight. And the time in between is full! To say the least, we are exhausted!
On Monday we went to our last curling game. Though the team did not do as well as we hoped, we are all so proud of them and never stopped cheering for them! They are an amazing group of woman that represented our country with pride at these games. Our family is so lucky to be a part of their efforts.
Display at the Russian Regions
Exhibit of nesting dolls
Since curling was over, we had sometime to explore some of the park and see other sports. One of the most interesting places they have here to explore is the Russian regions exhibit. This is a great big building where there is a display from all of the regions in Russia. Many have interactive exhibits, live demonstrations, and are staffed with people from that particular region that speak English. They were all excited to tell us about their area and often would give us something from their region. Some things we got were honey, postcards, pins, magnets, birch wood cup, stuffed animals, rocks, and a decorative bag. It was so informative and made us realize how little we really knew about Russia. One of my favorite things I saw there was part of the meterorite that hit Russia one year ago.
The part of the meteror
is in the display case 
 We have also gotten to see two other women's hockey games. One was USA versus Sweden in the semifinal and the other was Russia versus Finland. Both were a lot of fun to be at! On the USA game, Brianna Decker had a goal and two assists. Then we got to see speed skating. We went to the women's 5000m race. None of us had ever seen speed skating in person before, so we were all fascinated by this new adventure! The USA did not do well, but we did see a new track record by the winner of course. 

At this point, things are winding down for us. We have one more event to see. We are going to the women's gold medal hockey game tomorrow. We will all be wearing our Decker t-shirts and cheering loudly for Brianna and the rest of the team! The game does not start until 9pm! Going to be so very late for us, and the next day we begin our jouney home.

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