Monday, February 24, 2014

Carter's Interview

Sometimes when you screw something up, things turn out better because of your mistake.  Well, ok, maybe that doesn't happen that often, but in this case, my mistake turned out to be very beneficial for Carter.  You might remember that he wanted to interview a woman, Camilla, that he met from Australia because his class is studying the country.  Well, we did the interview only I didn't actually record it like I thought I did. Ooops! So we had to go back to Camilla and ask to do it again.  She was very understanding and agreed to do it again.  A few days had past, and we finally had time to do the interview, so Carter went searching for Camilla.  He didn't find her, but did find her camera man and explained why he was looking for Camilla.  The camera man smirked at my mistake and said, "I will tape it this time."  This was an incredible experience! Carter got to do a real live interview, with a crew, lights, cameras, and in a studio!  And then, the team did the editing.  It was so cool!  Here is the final copy, it was so fun!

**I am going to continue to post some stories and pictures as I have time because there was lots more I wanted to share, but internet access and difficulty with posting with the IPad limited my ability, so feel free to keep checking in here to see what is new. And feel free to leave me comments, I love getting them and knowing that people are really reading this!